Department of Anthropology
University of California, Los Angeles
Gilaki Dictionaries
Although Gilaki is the second attested language in Iran, we—speakers of Gilaki languages in the old Caspian region and the world—still do not have a database, at least a searchable dictionary. The Dictionary of Tabari, one of the most comprehensive Gilaki dictionaries, closed its website. I started to type Payandeh-Langaroudi's dictionary, but I was not successful. Doing it by myself and having other projects to do, I left it after completing page 30.
I have tried to extract the text, and it has been one of the most difficult projects I have undertaken in the past three years.
What should we do if dictionaries are not accessible? For example, Dictionary Gil u Dailam was published once, but unfortunately, the author passed away. You must be lucky or be a dreamer to find a copy of the book.
Short story: I want to upload the dictionary here (the book is not copyrighted). I found a way to enhance the book, starting with 91 pages. It takes 12 hours to finish just 20 pages and more than 60 hours to finish the process.
So my first project, here, is make the dictionary accessible and readable for indigenous people of Gilaki language community.
مۊ مي هخساي-ه کادرم گ گيلکي واژه نؤمه ئؤن-ه امي گيلکؤن ئبه دسبرس ببۊن. هي کار-ه پاينده کتابٚ همره بۊنه گيته درم. امي ناجه هينه گ يته آنلاين واژه نؤمه بداريم. هيسه بنبنه - هرکاري گ امي دس رسنه خا انجؤم دأن.